Whatever alterations or renovations you plan: make sure that your foundations have the capacity to handle the load

It is critically important to ensure foundations are capable of transferring loads to the ground without subsidence or significant settlement. Foundations apply a bearing pressure to the soil, which is sustained by the soils bearing capacity, ensuring your home remains stable.

Structural alterations may require existing foundations to be assessed, and in some cases, strengthened. For example. making large openings in walls could bring about a concentrated load to the remain part of the wall, resulting in a large load on a small area of foundation. This will increase the bearing pressure and potential surpass the soil bearing capacity beneath the foundation.    

HH Structures can carry out assessments and designs for foundation. Assumptions are normally required for this work as soil investigation and testing is limited prior to commencement of construction works. Such assumptions are validated by either a Building Control officer or a suitably qualified individual before construction starts.